Tuesday, March 30, 2010


According to the Urban Dictionary consumerism is...

1. The practice of conspicuously buying flashy, expensive items and expecting them to fill the voids in one's life.

2. A pejorative used to malign people who enjoy material luxuries, implying that it's impossible for a person do so without having an unhealthy fixation on them. Usually used as a sour grapes excuse to hate people who can afford more luxuries than one's self.

"Tiffany keeps spending all of her money on expensive designer clothing. When will she realize that it's personality, not consumerism, that wins friends?"

"Ugh, did you see Ted's new BMW with heated leather seats, a GPS navigation system, and a 6-disk CD changer? Anyone who would buy luxuries is obviously a disgusingly shallow and materialistic consumerist."

We buy and we buy and we buy. we work and we buy, we work and we buy, it is the vicious cycle of life, however if you are a girl, a woman, or a diva you work and you BUY!!! if you are like me, there is instant gratification everytime you swipe, count, or dish out almost all of your savings for that perfect cleansers, anti-aging creams, nail polish, make-up, skirts, bras, lotions and potions. UGH! what to choose? what to choose?

I have tried everything and spend nearly all of my income on products, that is my speciality. I will first tell you a little bit about me from head to toe. My hair is on the dry side and long. My skin tans easily however normally I am pale, I do not burn easily. I have naturally tight skin, however on the dry side. My complexion changes and varies depending on the season, the time of the month, and whatever my hormones feel like. I have ultra sensitive skin on my face and am allergic to nearly everything. I have acne prone skin but it is strange because it is on the dry side. If I try the wrong products I will break out. Ever since I turned 30 this is especially the case, I can't just pick up some cetaphil at the drug store and not break out. I have to take care of it, maintain it, and keep it as clear as possible.

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